Settings : Payments and Charges

The Payment and Charges tab serves as your financial dashboard within the app, providing crucial insights into your current plan details and related charges. This tab is divided into two main sections: Your Current Plan and Charges.

Your Current Plan In this section, you'll find comprehensive details about your ongoing subscription, outlining all the plan features that you currently enjoy.

Charges The Charges section provides a transparent overview of all the costs linked with automatic upgrades related to your current plan.

Understanding Plan-Specific Charges As a merchant using our app, your Charges view changes based on the plan you're subscribed to:

  1. Free Plan: With the Free Plan, there are no charges to be incurred. Thus, your Charges section will remain empty.

Free plan - charges

  1. Growth Plan & No Retainer Plan: Under these plans, the Charges section documents each order completed using the Fuze app, excluding monthly or one-time payment changes. The listed charges solely comprise the products purchased utilizing our app's functionalities.

Growth/No retainer plan - charges

Key insights include:

  • Order: This column provides the order ID. You can refer to this ID to trace the associated products purchased from your store via the Orders page.
  • Order Value: This captures the total value derived from the product(s) purchased through the Fuze app.
  • Charge Value: This column records the Fuze charge. For every completed order via the Fuze app, we retain 2.5% of the order value.
  • Referral Store: This offers a direct link to the store from which the order was completed.
  1. Moon Plan: Upon opting for the Moon Plan, the details of order value and charge value will continue to be available. Moreover, every time an automatic upgrade occurs, new charges will be displayed.

This comprehensive, easy-to-follow breakdown of your plan and charges helps you maintain a thorough understanding of your financial commitments related to the app.