Onboarding : Configuring Triggers
In this step, you can define the conditions under which the selected upsell product (or products) will be displayed on the Post-purchase page.
You have two options: ""Always"" and ""Rules.""
Always: By default, the funnel is set to be displayed on the post-purchase page regardless of the user's order.

Rules: By selecting ""Rules"" instead of ""Always,"" you can set specific conditions that must be met for the corresponding funnel to appear on the post-purchase page.
Let's explore these rules in detail. It's important to note that at least one rule must be set, and all specified criteria within a rule must be satisfied for the funnel to be displayed.
- Enable product trigger: Enabling this option allows you to select specific product(s) from the product list. When a user purchases the selected product(s), the corresponding upsell product set by the merchant will be displayed on the post-purchase page. If only this option is enabled and the user makes the qualifying purchase, the funnel will be shown.

- Enable cart value trigger: Enabling this option allows you to set a specific order value threshold. You can choose whether the trigger should activate when the order value is ""more than,"" ""less than,"" or ""equal to"" a specified amount. If this option is combined with the ""Enable product trigger,"" the funnel will only be activated if both conditions are met. However, if only the ""Enable cart value trigger"" is active, the funnel will be displayed once the user's order reaches the specified amount.

- Enable quantity trigger: Enabling this option allows you to define a specific quantity of products (more than, less than, equal to) that, when purchased by the user, triggers the funnel. If this option is combined with the ""Enable product trigger"" and/or ""Enable cart value trigger,"" the funnel will only activate when all selected conditions are met. Alternatively, if only the ""Enable quantity trigger"" is active, the funnel will appear on the post-purchase page once the specified quantity is reached.

To clarify, at least one rule option must be set to create a funnel. Additionally, it's possible to have combinations of two or three active options, with the condition that all specified criteria must be met by the user for the funnel to be displayed on the post-purchase page. For example, you could have an active ""Enable product trigger"" with a specific product (e.g., red dress) and an active ""Enable cart value trigger"" set to more than $100. In this scenario, if the user purchases the red dress but the cart value is below $100, the funnel will not be displayed because only one of the conditions is met.
When using the ""Rules"" option for a funnel on the Post-purchase page, you have an additional option called ""Show funnel to."" This allows you to determine who will see the funnel created during the onboarding process.
There are three available options under ""Triggers"":
- All: This option is set by default. It means that the funnel will be displayed on the post-purchase page to all users who meet the conditions specified in the funnel rules, regardless of their order emails.
- New customers: Selecting this option ensures that the funnel will only be shown on the post-purchase page to new customers based on their order emails. If a user meets the conditions for the funnel and completes an order using their email, the funnel will appear on the Post-purchase page. However, if the same email is used for another order that meets the funnel conditions, the funnel will not be displayed. This option exclusively targets new customers.
- Existing customers: Choosing this option means that the funnel will only be displayed on the post-purchase page to existing customers based on their order emails. For example, if a user meets the conditions for the funnel with their email for the first time, the post-purchase page will skip the funnel. However, if the same email is used for another order that meets the funnel conditions, the funnel will be displayed. This option exclusively targets existing customers, including those who have previously completed orders from your store.

Furthermore, there is an additional option available for both ""Always"" and ""Rules"" funnels: Show this funnel to clients only once.
By default, this option is disabled, meaning that the funnel will be displayed to clients on the post-purchase page every time the conditions are met, regardless of the email used for the order. However, when enabled, the funnel will only appear once on the post-purchase page when the conditions are met. Subsequent orders using the same email that meet the funnel conditions will not trigger the funnel to be displayed again.

These configuration options provide you with granular control over when and how the funnels are displayed on the post-purchase page, ensuring a tailored and optimized upsell experience for your customers.