General : Header
The header in the app plays a crucial role by providing important information about the accumulated Fuze Post Purchase Upsell generated revenue. This amount is updated after each order made through Fuze Post Purchase Upsell. By clicking "More info," a modal window opens, providing a detailed breakdown of the revenue sources and the specific app functionalities they are attributed to, which include:
- Cross-sell revenue: This section accumulates revenue when your store is featured as a cross-sell section in the Fuze widget on the Thank you page. When an order is completed, the corresponding amount is added to the Cross-sell revenue section.
- Post-purchase revenue: When a product or products are accepted on the Post-purchase page, the revenue generated from these purchases is added to the Post-purchase revenue section.
- Email revenue: This section reflects the revenue generated when customers purchase products from the Fuze widget in the confirmation email and complete the order. The corresponding amount is added to the Email revenue section.
- Thank you page revenue: Revenue in this section represents the amount generated when customers purchase products from the upsell section on the Thank you page. The revenue from these purchases is added to the Thank you page revenue section.
Each of these revenue sections includes a "Go to Setup" button that allows you to navigate directly to the corresponding tab for further exploration and management.
Lastly, it's important to reiterate that if your store operates with a currency other than USD, the revenue amounts will be converted to USD for consistent measurement and tracking purposes.